The Causes of Dry Eye and How it Can be Treated

The Causes of Dry Eye and How it Can be Treated

Do your eyes sting, burn, feel sensitive, appear red, itch, and/or suffer from blurred vision? If you suffer from one or more these eye afflictions, then you might be suffering from having dry eyes. Mild cases of dry eye can be treated using conventional methods, but if the condition persists medical treatment or, in rare […]

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Eye Injuries and Eye Doctors: To See, or Not To See?

Eye Injuries and Eye Doctors: To See, or Not To See?

Have you ever scratched your eye on accident? This could easily be done by something like an article of clothing, hairbrush, or even a fingernail and cause what is called, a corneal abrasion. These types of injuries are considered pretty minor and usually cause discomfort for only a few minutes and then go away; however, […]

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